Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Pinterest Experiments

When it comes to Pinterest, people usually fall into one of two categories:

  1. Obsessed
  2. I can't believe people waste their time on that
Guess which one I belong to? Yes I agree it's online hoarding and I'll never be able to afford all those clothes I have in my imaginary closet (my huge imaginary closet with a chandelier and space for all my amazing imaginary designer purses....) but I like that it inspires people to be creative and try new things. So I bring you some of my most recent Pinterest experiments. 

Experiment 1: Grow your own lettuce

The idea behind this one is that you can grow your own lettuce from the butts of romaine lettuce that you bought from the store, ultimately saving you money. Not that lettuce is all that much but free is always better. As I said in my first post, this one totally works! I was really surprised because all you do is stick the end in a bowl with a bit of water and change it out every day. 

This was after only about three or four days. It's crazy! The only downside is that it is going to take awhile before it gets to a point where there's enough for a salad and I have no idea how it will taste but so far, I think this was a worthwhile experiment. 

Verdict: Still in Progress

Experiment 2: Evening Primrose Oil

I found this product about a month ago and tried it out with the hopes that this would be thing that gets rid of my acne. I don't have much but it seems that just as my skin clears up and starts looking clear, a fresh batch pops up exclaiming "PSYCH! Bahahahaha look at me, I'm on your chin! Doesn't matter how much concealer you use, everyone knows I'm still here!" So annoying. The idea behind this product is that it helps balance your hormones making PMS or menopause and all of its symptoms less of a problem and since most of my acne is related to the red devil, I wanted to try it out. I bought a bottle from GNC for about $12 (even if you use the entire bottle, you can still return it to GNC if you're unsatisfied with the product and get your money back) and started to keep a log about the progress (or lack thereof). 

Notes> Begun 5/23/13 (off week for bc) 
-- Apparently these tablets are supposed to balance the hormones in the body so that pms symptoms, including acne, aren't as bad and will has anti aging properties as well. We'll see if it holds up to the effects my birth control has had on my skin. My normal generic bc is on factory back order so who knows how long I'll be on this stuff and as I remember, my skin wasn't great when I took it before. So thus the experiment to see what this Primrose oil actually does. 

-- My skin is looking better but I have a feeling that is just because I've been off of the bc for almost a week now. The true test will be when I start the bc again. 

-- Day 2 into new birth control and I got one new pimple. Small and manageable but still. I did drink a bit last night and didn't wash my face properly so that may have had more to do with it than my bc but we'll see after a couple more days. 

-- Pretty happy with this product so far! Roughly three weeks into taking these vitamins and my skin looks awesome! I have one little bump that just appeared yesterday (due to pms. My boobs are huge right now too.) but it's no where near the size or pain of the ones I was dealing with when I first started. I had a tiny flare up last week when I was in Pittsburgh visiting peoples but that quickly went away. I venture that was due to my hormones balancing. 

Although my skin is not perfect, it seems better. I've had more days with clear skin that I have had with acne and the one bump I did get is not nearly as painful or in your face as the ones I had been getting before the experiment. Some comments I read about this product mentioned that it could take up to three months for the effects to fully take place but I'm pretty happy thus far. 

Verdict: Success

Experiment 3: A homemade concoction to get rid of those pesky gnats

I live in a basement apartment. Bugs like basements. Ergo, my basement has bugs. Spiders, crickets, those stupid like black caterpillars that I think initially is a piece of lint until I go to pick it up and it moves. We also do not have a garbage disposal or a dishwasher so some of the food gets stuck in the drain making gnats a problem too. My boyfriend is awesome at getting the spiders and crickets and caterpillars but gnats are a different story so when I saw this concoction of vinegar and dish soap on Pinterest that was supposed to attract gnats and kill them? Well I thought what do I have to lose? So I put a cup with the mixture in it by the garbage can and sink and left it for a couple days waiting for those pesky little buggers to stop dive bombing my face. 


This recipe did not work. The only thing it served to do was make my apartment smell like vinegar. Blegh. 

Verdict: Failed

For now, my boyfriend and I will just have to be extra vigilant to keep the sink clean and we'll be getting a covered trash can in the near future but in the mean time, does anyone know of any ways to keep bugs away? I know they're good, circle of life and all that, but they can go do that outside. 

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